- The APWU filed a major national-level grievance challenging management’s action where they are not properly withholding jobs in accordance with the job security protections of Article 12. Article 12 demands that all residual vacancies in all crafts and installations within 50 miles are held as “landing spots” for any impacted career employees facing potential excessing. The APWU is seeking to expedite this grievance.
- The APWU filed an Unfair Labor Practice with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to enforce management’s legal obligation to bargain over the changes it is making to the network. The APWU has its legal department taking a hard look at potential court action in relation to any unlawful acts of management.
- A grievance was filed charging that changes to the postal handbook and manual PO-408, previously the “Area Mail Processing Guidelines,” and now the “Mail Processing Facility Review,” were unilaterally made by management and interfered with the union’s rights to information and input on facility consolidations.
- The APWU filed an Unfair Labor Practice charge with the NLRB due to management not sufficiently responding to union information requests associated with the network changes. In response the Postal Service has begun providing some of the requested information.
- The five APWU Regional Coordinators are holding regional-level meetings with management, in accordance with the union contract, to address potential impacts. They have successfully reduced or eliminated many impacts on the current workforce. In addition, the APWU has prevailed in a significant regional area grievance, forcing management to reverse impacts and excessing in Utica, NY.
- The APWU has challenged management’s assigning most of the work in the new High Output Parcel Sorters (HOPS) to the Mailhandlers.
- The Clerk craft has expanded training for local and state union representatives on Article 12 (which deals with centralization of mail, consolidations of operations, and potential excessing) and on jurisdictional issues about assigning work to the Clerk craft or the Mailhandlers.
- The national union conducted a series of informational meetings that updated national, state, and local leaders on network changes, and will continue to do so.
- As previously reported, the APWU negotiated an important memorandum protecting existing retail and box section operations when letter carriers are moved to larger facilities with the S&DC plans.
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- Find information on how to join a SAG-AFTRA picket at sagaftrastrike.org.
- Ask your State Federation or Central Labor Council for more information about strikes and other actions near you.
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Update on Management's Network Modernization Plans: APWU Takes a Series of Actions

While still in its early stages, postal management is aggressively proceeding with their “network modernization” plans. Currently, three out of an estimated 60 future Regional Processing and Distribution Centers (RPDCs) are at least partially up and running – Richmond, VA; Charlotte, NC; and Atlanta, GA – with at least nine more scheduled to open next year. There are approximately 24 Sorting and Delivery Centers (S&DCs) (large carrier/delivery units) open, with plans for dozens more in 2024, and hundreds more in the coming years. These network changes will eventually touch almost every local.
As management constructs new buildings, centralizes processing, and installs new automated package sortation machinery, they must do it in accordance with our union contract, and in such a way that limits the negative impact on current employees. The national APWU leadership is fully committed to enforcing the union contract and, toward that aim, has initiated a number of actions:
“Changes in the mail mix, mail processing and the march of automation and technology are not new for the APWU,” said President Mark Dimondstein. “We have met these challenges over many decades and will continue to meet them today. The APWU leadership is fully united in our efforts to protect our jobs, serve the people, and keep the members fully informed as these network plans unfold.”
Next union negotiated raises will be in paychecks dated December 8, 2023

APWU-represented career postal employees will receive a union-won general wage increase (GWI) equal to 1.3 percent of base pay, effective Nov. 18. Non-career APWU-represented employees will receive an additional 1 percent, or a 2.3 percent GWI, as they do not receive COLA.
The raise will appear in paychecks dated Dec. 8, 2023. This latest wage increase caps off two years of strong raises secured in the 2021-2024 contract and follows record-breaking cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) for career employees, which totaled $2.39 per hour, or $4,971 annually. COLAs are added to the base pay schedule, so PSEs will recoup these increases when they convert to career status.
“These negotiated increases can only happen because of the strength of our collective endeavor,” said APWU President Mark Dimondstein. “We are already preparing for the opening of negotiations on our next union contract in July 2024, and the activism and organizing of our members will play a crucial role in delivering an even stronger collective bargaining agreement.”
The APWU is a Solidarity Union

The APWU is a “Solidarity” union. That means we step up and support our union family when they’re striking to win better contracts, fighting for healthy and safe workplaces, or taking action to ensure workers can enjoy a dignified retirement. When workers stand up and fight together, our movement grows stronger. And, in this time of heightened labor militancy, APWU members are answering the call.
We are proud of the support our members have shown for the UAW “Stand Up Strike” at the Big Three automakers (Ford, GM, Stellantis).
These workers went on strike after years of concessions and to win their fair share of the Big Three’s $250 billion in profits in the last 10 years. They struck to restore lost COLAs, remove divisive two-tier pay and benefit scales, ensure good retirement benefits for all auto workers, and a shorter work week with no loss in pay, which are bold and just demands.
Many APWU members joined UAW rallies, picket lines, and signed petitions, understanding that “an injury to one is an injury to all,” and that when workers rise anywhere, we all rise together.
More than 40,000 autoworkers joined the Stand Up Stike. By October 30, after more than six weeks of rolling walkouts, all three companies had reached tentative agreements with the workers’ union. UAW members will now vote on whether to approve the proposed contracts.
Hotel and casino workers, health care workers, steelworkers, and more are on strike across the country. Actors and other members of SAG-AFTRA have now been on strike for over 100 days, fighting to win fair compensation and job security as the streaming services and artificial intelligence revolutionize their industry.
As a solidarity union, APWU urges every postal worker to support these critical struggles. In the coming days and weeks, there will be many ways that you can express your solidarity.

APWU delegates to the UNI Global Union World Congress joined SEIU 32BJ members at a contract rally in Philadelphia as they fought for better pay and health and safety.
When we stand together in full solidarity with our union family to win strong contracts, we are standing for these victories for all working-class people.